Children’s Ministry

Here at Sulphur Springs Methodist we offer various opportunities for our children to worship with their own age group.  Our children’s ministry is for infants through fifth grade. Our goal is to teach the Bible through various ways in which they can understand.

Throughout the year, we have special events such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Summertime activities, Trunk or Treat and a Christmas program.

We have Children’s church during our worship service and also a nursery for the infants up through 2 years of age.

Youth Ministry

Our desire is to provide a place for young people to learn and grow in their faith. We invite all youth grades 6th-12th to come and grow together in Christ and find creative ways to share their faith with those around them.

We have many opportunities with fun activities throughout the year while also learning Biblical truths.

Youth gatherings are on Sundays at 6:00 PM in the Youth House.

Upper Room Quilters

The Upper Room Quilters have become widely known for their mission work, the fine quality of their work, and their willingness to donate quality items they make to various Mission and Community Organizations.

This small group which consists of ladies of all ages, welcomes you to join them. They meet on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon beginning around 2pm.

Shining Lights

The mission of the Shining Lights is to connect and nurture women so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

This group of women meet the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. They welcome you to join them as they reach out into the community to share the love of Christ.

Ministry Teams

SSMC has several opportunities to serve within the church on various ministry teams. If you feel led to serve in this capacity, please let us know and we will let you know how to get plugged in. Below are some of the teams we have in place that can always use more volunteers:

Administrative Council / Child Care Board / Children’s Ministry Team

Finance Team / Nomination & Leadership Development Team

Missions Team / Be Safe Team / Staff Parish Relations

Board of Trustees / Worship Team