CHC Steak Dinner

The Community Help Center will be hosting a benefit meal in the CMC gym.  All donations will go to help those in need in our community.  

Wedding Shower

You are invited to a wedding shower for Jacob Richards and Laney Celaolo. We hope that you can set aside some time on April 23 to show this young couple…

Wedding Shower

You are invited to a wedding shower for Jacob Richards and Laney Ceraolo this Sunday.  We hope you will be able to join us as we shower them with monetary…

Small Group Bible Study

If you are interested in joining The Chosen (season 2) Bible Study, please contact Ramona Bird at 423.483.2761 or

Spring Sale

Sarah Littleton will be organizing a Spring fundraiser this year.  If you have clothes you would like to donate, please separate them into seasonal bags. It would also help if…

Music & BBQ Benefit

The Community Help Center will be hosting their 7th Annual Music Benefit Saturday, June 24 from 5:30 to 8:30PM.  It will be held in the Campshed. Pastor Pig BBQ will…

Pre-Game Family Meeting

If you have children involved in our children's ministry here at SSMC, we invite you to stay after the service on July 2 for a short family meeting.  We would…

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