Soup Making

We would love to have your help making soup for the Harvest Festival. Please meet in the CMC kitchen.

Back to School Bash

Free food, inflatables & fun.  Totally free community event!  

Apple Butter Day

Come and learn how we make apple butter.  We will gladly let you participate :)

Harvest Festival Volunteer Meeting

We invite you to join us this evening at 5pm in the Men’s Sunday School Classroom for a Harvest Festival informational/planning meeting (open to all). This event takes many volunteers…

Administrative Council Meeting

If you serve on the SSMC Admin Council, you are invited to meet in the Church Sanctuary TONIGHT at 6:30 pm.

United Women in Faith

All women are invited to this small group.  If you have any questions regarding the United Women in Faith, please contact Ramona Bird.

Flea Market Work Day

If you can stop by and organize, price and help set up for our HF flea market, meet at the church anytime between 8am-Noon.

SPR Meeting

If you serve on this team, please meet in the office conference room on Wednesday, Sept. 20.  If you have any questions regarding this team, please contact Sharon Carson.

Harvest Festival Work Day

As you know this is a BIG event here at Sulphur Springs Methodist.  We could use any help you are able to give (even if you can just stop by…

HF Flea Market

Friday, September 29, 7am-5pm Saturday, September 30, 7am-3pm Flea Market: Furniture, clothing, lamps, baskets, kitchen gadgets, linens, a little bit of everything!

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